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Bathroom floors
Once the old bathroom had been stripped out we were able to get our first good look at the floor…. … and promptly determined that this was a prime opportunity to remove the old floor boards replacing them with plywood as a much more stable & solid base for tiling. With the boards up, we…
Lounge stripped
Just a quick update: Lounge has now been completely wallpaper stripped & prepared for replastering. All looking a touch bare at the moment but that should hopefully start to change rapidly now. Next stop is to tidy up what appears to be a patched-over serving hatch (!) and to remove a window seat/ cupboard…
It’s got to go!
One of the key rooms we wanted to change was the kitchen – the property’s original kitchen was well past its best, and had really seen better days. We knocked through from an useless utility room to the original dining room, removing the archway (adding some lintels above the position of the arch & door…
Now that the kitchen’s underway…
Next stop was obviously to make a start on ripping something else out! The house has two upstairs bathrooms, one that’s looking somewhat tired and needs replacing, and a larger “family” bathroom that is pretty new and perfectly usable in the condition it’s in. The smaller of the two is just the right size to…
No kitchen would be complete…
… Without a set of drains ! The old utility room was equipped with a water supply but unfortunately no drainage. As a result, during a rare break in the surprisingly snowy weather the focus switched to some outside works to lift most of the patio paving slabs & re-route underground drainage to accommodate the…
Old kitchen – the original plumbing’s last stand
Before the room can be plastered next week, the original plumbing that previously served the kitchen sink & appliances needed to be removed – paving the way for a cleanly filled & plastered wall. Unfortunately, as you can see the pipework disappears off under the floor somewhere and at the moment we have no idea…