Finished product…. A distinct improvement on this morning
Here’s the finished product. Still very much a Land Rover but now carrying around distinctly less land!!
Update: If you’re looking for a C Plan or similar central heating wiring diagram, click here! One of things we noted when we first moved in was that it was impossible to run the central heating system to just heat some hot water without also heating all the radiators. Not too bad in the winter,…
If you live in some sort of solid building in the UK, the chances are that you probably have a central heating system – and if you’re on this page, you’re probably wondering why central heating systems need to be flushed and whether you can flush your own central heating system with a DIY central…
Now the plaster’s done, it’s time to crack on with the rest of the house. The first couple of coats of paint have been applied to the main bedroom to seal & cover the newly dry plaster, and this weekend’s job is to start getting the proper top-coats of paint done along with all the…
Haven’t posted for a while (been somewhat busy!) so thought I’d share this briefly as a guide. We’ve been putting the finishing touches to a bedroom, and finally reached the point of needing to fit a new radiator. On the basis that it’s currently rather cold I didn’t really want to drain down the system……
After the inevitable moving day chaos, the kitchen had been turned into a general temporary dumping ground for lots and lots of bags of stuff. We felt the time had come for a bit of a clearup, so after a few hours effort order has now been restored and the kitchen reclaimed!