It’s got to go!

One of the key rooms we wanted to change was the kitchen – the property’s original kitchen was well past its best, and had really seen better days.

We knocked through from an useless utility room to the original dining room, removing the archway (adding some lintels above the position of the arch & door however as it seems that they’d been missed when the room was built), and starting again with a new kitchen.

With the kitchen refit completed & us moved in, the time has come to remove what’s left of the old kitchen allowing us to make a start on refitting the room.

This is what it used to look like…

This all has to go – the room’s to be gutted and turned into something that will hopefully end up with some bookshelves and a table… One might call it a “dining room”, bu t that’s far too formal 🙂

First step of course was removing everything that’s currently stored in the old kitchen which had become a bit of a dumping ground for general building materials.

Then, demolition started…

More to come…

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