Kitchen update
While we’re sorting out the bathroom upstairs, the new kitchen is steadily nearing completion.
Cabinets are in along with the worktops & sink…
With the onset of 2010, our builders have arrived in style on the first working day of the year. We’ve engaged a brilliant local firm called Upgrade Building Solutions (UBS) to demolish the dividing wall between the old Utility & Dining rooms, make good, tile the floor and supply/fit a new kitchen. The rooms started…
Update: If you’re looking for a C Plan or similar central heating wiring diagram, click here! One of things we noted when we first moved in was that it was impossible to run the central heating system to just heat some hot water without also heating all the radiators. Not too bad in the winter,…
Next stop was obviously to make a start on ripping something else out! The house has two upstairs bathrooms, one that’s looking somewhat tired and needs replacing, and a larger “family” bathroom that is pretty new and perfectly usable in the condition it’s in. The smaller of the two is just the right size to…
Given the great weather I think the time has come to temporarily suspend interior jobs such as replastering the old kitchen, instead looking at making a start on some of the many things that need to be done outside the house. First on the list is cleaning up the frontage of property. Shortly after getting…
Well, despite having had the keys for less than 24 hours we’ve hit the ground running on day 1! With the aid of a massive amount of help we’ve made a start on cleaning the house from top to bottom, cutting back & clearing up the garden, starting to strip back the lounge to prepare…