Quick Update…

Haven’t posted anything to here for a while, but work is needless to say very much ongoing! Since the last post bedroom 1 has been replastered (and is still currently slowly drying out before we can paint it!); walls & ceiling in bedroom 2 have been repainted; walls in the “en-suite” have been repainted and…

Lounge stripped

Just a quick update: Lounge has now been completely wallpaper stripped & prepared for replastering. All looking a touch bare at the moment but that should hopefully start to change rapidly now.   Next stop is to tidy up what appears to be a patched-over serving hatch (!) and to remove a window seat/ cupboard…

And so it begins…

First “real” task on the agenda (after yesterday’s clean etc) is to strip out a er, lovely built in wardrobe. Looks like it was knocked up by an over zealous chippy when the house was built – complete with a fine example of 1970’s wallpaper for good measure. Definitely has to go…. Only question is…