Time to make a start on the outside…
Given the great weather I think the time has come to temporarily suspend interior jobs such as replastering the old kitchen, instead looking at making a start on some of the many things that need to be done outside the house.
First on the list is cleaning up the frontage of property. Shortly after getting the keys we removed a hedge that’s seen better days, but haven’t really done much more to the garden aside from regularly cutting the grass.
Right outside the new kitchen windows is a brick-built planter, which aside from a slightly cracked corner is in perfectly serviceable condition – just a) needing a clean, and b) needing some compost & plants!
Today’s job therefore is to clean this up, build some sort of wooden structure so that we don’t produce a nice damp patch to match the planter on the inside of the kitchen wall, and then to fill it with compost & get some climbing roses planted which will hopefully in time frame the kitchen nicely.
After a day’s effort in the roasting sun we’re happy with the result. The brickwork needs more attention but that can wait for the moment!