New DHW Cylinder

The new pre-lagged cylinder was first fitted with all the various bits and pieces needed to connect it up – new hard-water suitable immersion heater went in first:

Followed by a specialised Salamander S-Flange for the domestic hot water take off & dedicated air-free supply to a pumped power shower, yet to be purchased or installed but it seemed sensible to fit this bit now as once installed, access to the top of a functioning hot water cylinder tends to be challenging at best…!

The S-flange has a “dip tube” which goes down into the top of the tank and is supposed to provide an air-free dedicated supply for use with pumped showers (or probably any pumped hot water system). This apparently works on the basis that air gathers at the top of the cylinder and therefore by avoiding the air, pumps work better as they don’t encounter air pockets in the water supply and hopefully don’t need to be bled nor cavitate while in use.

The flange is sealed with plenty of PTFT tape & a fibre washer…

Top outlet is for the domestic water, side outlet for the shower.

The remaining fittings were then attached for the boiler circuit supply/return and the cold feed pipework made up & attached before the new cylinder was finally introduced to its new home in the airing cupboard.

Much pipe-cutting, cleaning & soldering then ensued to connect everything up with the end result being a fully re-filled and operational hot water system!

Finished product – complete with temporarily capped off supply for the yet-to-be-installed shower pump.

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